Frequently asked
How does it work?
Decide if you want a group class or a private class. Decide if you want an in person experience or a live online class. Choose a series that fits your due date, schedule, and budget. Ideally, you’ll want to be in class by your 29th week of gestation. But if you’re earlier or later, I have a class option for you. Sign up, send a deposit, and wait for the emails to start rolling in.
Are classes in-person?
If you’d like an in-person class, choose a 12-class course in The Bradley Method® or choose my 4-class Crash Course. Classes are held on Naples Island in Long Beach, California, just off the 405 just between LA and Orange Counties. There is no online capability for the in-person classes. Pregnant attendees sit on the floor in my class. We also remove our shoes. Feel free to bring pillows, blankets, food and drink to class. Each class is 2 hours and I want you to be comfy.
Are classes online?
If you’d like an online course, choose an online spot in a 12-class course in The Bradley Method®. The 12-class course will be taught live online via Zoom. Or choose my 8-class course which will be taught live online via Zoom for 8 consecutive weeks. The 8-class course does not include and breastfeeding information. The online classes are great for the introverts. Having cameras on is not required, but highly recommended. Join my online class from anywhere in the world.
What is The Bradley Method ® ?
The Bradley Method ® is one of the childbirth methods I teach. This course is the most comprehensive, interactive course you’ll find. Bradley™ teaches us about the physiology, chemistry, and psychology of labor. You’ll learn how to remain healthy and low risk so that you have options during your labor. Your partner will learn the best ways to coach you to the healthiest birth possible.
Click or tap below for even more information
Are classes recorded?
Because these classes encourage intimate and personal conversation, I don’t record classes. However, depending on which course you choose, you will have access to pre-recorded classes by The Bradley Method®
If you miss a class, you are more than welcome to make it up by attending the same class within a different series. You’ll just coordinate with me.
Should I bring my partner?
Absolutely. All of my classes are partner-centered. Your partner can be the other parent, a family member, or a friend. “One spot” in my class is for you as a couple. The class fee covers you and your partner. PLEASE bring your partner. They will be your coach and need all of this information. Your Doula is welcome in class, however, unless they are enrolled in my Doula Mentor program, they will be charged the full class fee.
What is a "natural birth"?
Because cesarean section surgical births (c-section) are so prevalent in our society (32% of babies in the US are born via c-section), many people term a medicated vaginal birth as a natural birth. A person who is medicated during labor and for the birth of their child has usually received epidural anesthesia. It has been proven that the placenta is not a filter and that the narcotic drugs used in an epidural do reach the baby during labor. For this reason, many birthers choose to give birth without anesthesia - naturally. This is a natural birth.
Should I take a birthing class if I want an epidural or if I'm not sure?
Absolutely! No matter your plans for your birth experience, this class will open your eyes to the miracle of birth and dispel many of the myths and mysteries. The class will also empower your partner, giving them the confidence to be an effective advocate for you and your baby, which will definitely be imperative if you plan to medicate. The beauty of education is it affords you the luxury of being able to make smart decisions for yourself. All of my classes, including The Bradley Method®, are definitely for every family.
When should I start birth classes?
It's ideal to start around your 24 - 28th week. This will afford you time to fit in twelve weeks of classes prior to your 37th week. This way you are prepared should baby decide to show up a little earlier than expected and you're also not too far from your estimated delivery date ( edd ) once the series of classes has ended. But I always tell people, "Some Bradley is better than no Bradley." So contact me even if you feel you may not have time to complete the 12-class course. But do try to sign up early. Classes fill pretty fast since a true Bradley Method® teacher should only have eight in-person couples per class. If you’d rather take a 4-class or 8-class course, it’s still a good idea to start as early as possible, but if you’re just finstag me, starting in your 36th week is better than nothing. :)
What if my doctor thinks I don't need a birth class?
Like everything in life, we can all have differing opinions about the same exact experience. There are many reasons why a doctor might say they don't recommend taking childbirth classes. Unless we ask, it's hard to know why opinions form. It's best for you to find out from your doctor why your doctor has formed their opinions.
But the real question is this: Whose birth is this? Your doctor's? Or yours?
What if I'm planning a home birth?
All the more reason to take a class. If your midwife is not requiring you to take a class, then hopefully they are taking the time to thoroughly educate you during lengthy prenatal visits. With a home birth, you and your coach will be moving through the bulk of your labor at home alone. A class will prepare you and your coach to recognize the signs labor as well as the stages and phases of labor.
How do I decide which Bradley™ teacher is right for me?
Childbirth is such an intimate and sacred experience. Overall, it's best to choose a teacher with whom you connect - someone you vibe with. Experience also goes a long way. For over a decade, I have been teaching classes in The Bradley Method®. I teach three classes per week and have been blessed to have been involved in over 1700 births. I took the 12-class course in The Bradley Method® myself - twice - and delivered both of my own babies using the method. I am also a practicing doula. I attend at least 18 births per year, and sometimes quite a few more. This allows me to see the method in action and also keeps me current and up to date on the latest trends and movements in childbirth within the local hospitals or birth centers.
If you're shopping around for a Bradley teacher, be sure to ask to see credentials and proof of affiliation. To be an affiliated Bradley® teacher, a teacher must actually attend at least one birth per year. And typically a teacher will have delivered their own children by using The Bradley Method®.
This is The Bradley Method ® of "Husband" Coached Childbirth but what if I don't have a husband?
Childbirth is always better when someone is there to support you. That "someone" is your coach and you can choose whomever you'd like to fill that role. Dr. Bradley teaches us the importance of including the father, or other parent, in the birth process. If that person is the ideal coach for you, it doesn’t matter the label on your relationship. Baby won't be asking to see a marriage certificate upon arrival. If for some reason the other parent isn't available to attend class - or there is no “other parent” (as SPBC becomes more popular) - you can certainly bring your mom, your best friend, your cousin.... whomever is available to commit to twelve classes, is willing to work with your birth plan, and will be committed and available during your labor. This is your birth.

Birth classes in The Bradley Method ® are offered by Lia Berquist of Your Natural Birth in Long Beach, California
Birthing classes are taught online or in person - you choose
Please text, email, or call for pricing and more information
Childbirth classes are an investment in your child's first BIRTH day
all content is copyrighted