I’m passionate about helping you to have the best birth experience possible
Photo by Richard Berquist - Berquist Photography
Meet the doula & childbirth educator
Hi I’m Lia Berquist, Mom of two, Certified Doula, Affiliated Bradley Method® Instructor, Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, Doula Mentor and overall birth fanatic.
This is my little baby (who is now in her 20s) and me 8 days after she was born.
I have been teaching childbirth classes in The Bradley Method ® in Long Beach, California since 2011. I have a Bachelors of Science in Human Environmental Sciences, but childbirth is my passion. The Bradley Method ® first entered my life when I was just ten years old:
I watched in awe as my mother, using the Bradley Method ®, so gracefully gave birth to my baby sister in a triumphant home birth after cesarean (HBAC). In 1998, after taking Bradley® classes myself, I gave birth naturally, in a hospital, to my baby girl. Ten years after that, I gave birth to my second baby girl at home, thanks to my Bradley coach, a certified professional midwife and The Bradley Method ®
People who deliver naturally are not super-human. We are not special. We are just normal. We have a body that was designed to give birth...JUST LIKE YOU.
all content is copyrighted - this means: i want to help the world, but please don't steal my words and if you do, give me a little credit. thanks
Photo by Richard Berquist - Berquist Photography
My mom
My mom gave birth to me in the 70s (no, i’m not a boomer. I’m Gen X) via cesarean section. At 42 weeks and 2 days, she was induced via castor oil which led to a long and grueling birth experience. After 36 hours of unmedicated labor, she was told she needed a c-section.
That surgery was so traumatizing for her - and me (the hospital refused to let her see or hold me for days). Her doctor told her that her pelvis was too small for childbirth and that she should never attempt at vaginal birth. She was terrified to ever have more children.
Then, in 1981, she met a midwife who educated her.
In 1983, she had the first of her two vaginal births after cesarean (vbac) - at home.
You can read her entire birth story in the book, The Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section Experience by midwife Lynn Richards Baptisti.
The benefits of a natural birth are countless and the value to the birthing parent, baby, and the family unit, immeasurable. It is my passion to educate and empower families through positive education as my mother’s midwife did for us. I want to encourage people to give birth in the most natural way possible.
Classes in The Bradley Method ® provide a safe place for parents to explore their options and weigh the benefits and risks of interventions with which they may be presented prior to arriving at the labor and delivery room.
Successful parenting ultimately relies on preparation.
Taking a class will be one of the first steps in your preparation to be the best parents you can be.
In the pic, my sister is listening to our other sibling’s fetal heart tones with a pinard horn.
Read more about The Bradley Method ® at www.bradleybirth.com
Improve birth for generations to come
Take a birth class
Invest in your experience and your baby’s first birthday. Dads and other parents feel more connected to their newborn when they have been an active participant in birth prep
Find a doula
A doula can be a paid professional or a trusted, committed friend or family member. Increase your feelings of peace with a doula on your birth team who insures continuity of care
Get to know a lactation consultant
Did you know that pediatricians are rarely specialists in lactation? If you’re planning to breast/chest feed your baby, you’ll benefit from a professional IBCLC